Is it compatible with Expo?#

Yes, it is, thanks to @expo/vector-icons and expo-linear-gradient.

Can I change the default props? I don't want to overwrite them every time.#

No, you can't. If you want to overwrite the default props you have to create your own component which extends React Native Basic UI's component. For example if you want your Scalable to always have a scale of 0.5, you would need to create a new component which extends React Native Basic UI's Scalable and passes this prop to it. Like this:

import { Scalable } from 'react-native-basic-ui';
const MyScalable = () => <Scalable onPress={() => {}} scale={0.5} />;

But you don't have to do this if you don't mind passing scale={0.5} prop every time you want to use the Scalable component.

Can I change the default styles?#

No, you can't. If you want to overwrite the default styles you have to create your own component.

Can I change the theme dynamically?#

Yes, you can, however the whole app would be re-rendered.